what’s really important to us

the bigger picture

Being fair, kind and honest with the people we work with, and thoughtful in our outlook.

Whether sourcing and manufacturing in the UK, Europe or the Far East, we want to do a good job for our clients and work on projects that we can all feel proud of.

We are serious about maintaining a responsible, transparent business and supply chain, only working with companies who meet our ethical and environmental criteria both locally and overseas, specifying products and packaging carefully, choosing materials that are sustainable and minimise waste.

We strive to be innovative and forward-thinking, investigating new materials, techniques and ways of working; we don’t believe that it is good enough to rely on reproducing the same thing over and over.

At Bloomfield we want to minimise our impact on the environment and be a climate-positive workforce.

Every month we will offset our employee carbon emissions via the planting of trees.

To see how we are doing and to find out more visit: ecologi.com/bloomfield


Bloomfield is committed to ensuring that the conduct of our business is based on principles of integrity, honesty, and fairness.

We recognise the importance of the nine steps of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) base code and expect all of our suppliers to comply with this, and are clear with manufacturers about the minimum ethical standards we require in our supply chain.

We value long-term relationships with our suppliers and will work with them pro-actively to resolve any issues identified, monitoring and sharing progress made.

When additional resource is required for projects undertaken, Bloomfield will engage from time to time the use of freelance artists, graphic designers, photographers, product developers and smaller independent companies and start-ups.

Bloomfield will check that all staff can demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK where relevant and will ensure that fair rates are paid in a timely manner, based on an individual’s skill sets.

We pledge to safeguard employees from any abuse or coercion once in our employment. We aim to publish an annual statement to set out the steps we have taken each year to combat modern slavery and human trafficking within our own operation and supply chain, and are committed to continually improving our practices.

View the Bloomfield Supplier Code of Conduct HERE


In line with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, we understand and recognise that we have a responsibility and moral duty to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our own business and wider supply chain.

View the Bloomfield Modern Slavery Statement 2021 HERE


Bloomfield always strives to work in a manner which cares for and protects the environment, aiming to make positive progress every year, and to be transparent about our progress.

One of our core principles is to improve the use of sustainable materials and processes when designing new products, and to promote sustainability throughout our supply chain.

View the Bloomfield Sustainability Policy HERE


1 - That employment is freely chosen.

2 - Freedom of association and the right to collectively bargain.

3 - Working conditions are safe and hygienic.

4 - Child labour shall not be used.

5 - Living wages are paid.

6 - Working hours are not excessive.

7 - No discrimination is practised.

8 - Regular employment is provided.

9 - No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.

For more information, please visit https://www.ethicaltrade.org/eti-base-cod